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Schdoduvel 2024
Braunschweig 2024
Braunschweig 2024
Rosenmontagszug Essen Rüttenscheid
Essen 2024
Essen 2024
Esch/Alzette 2024
Esch/Alzette 2024
Esch/Alzette 2024
Käldall 2024
Käldall 2024
Käldall 2024
Hagondange 2024
Hagondange 2024
Hagondange 2024
Grevenmacher 2023
Grevenmacher 2023
Grevenmacher 2023


Who or what is it?

We are a small leisure club of funny and nice people,
who have weird ideas about what a bike could look like.

We are pleased about everybody, who has interest in our association,
and who might also want to take part in one or the other event - Contact



We try to build bicycles from a variety of materials, which you can drive even if it often does not look like it.



You can learn more about the history of the club in our history.

Where can we find “them”?

With our weird bicycles we are traveling in Luxembourg and abroad,
either on parades (mostly carnival) or at any other events where the public
may try out our constructions, more under appointments.



We are also found regularly in our workshop (see contact) where we make our bikes,
repair and paint.

Maybe we are there just develop a whole new bike.

68, rue de Muhlenbach L-2168 Luxemburg +352 661 505251 Upon request